Nery Saenz and Stephanie Meyer-Senior host Miami's #1 weekly pop culture comedy podcast! Hilarious South Florida Stand-up comedian talking Movies, Sports, Music, and everything else you can think of! Visit (and "LIKE") our Facebook page by CLICKING HERE.
The podcast is a FREE show for you, the listener. For us here at WuBro studios, on the other hand, not so much. Microphones, mixers, bandwidth, hosting, all take huge swings at our pockets. If you would like to DONATE to the podcast, please click on the DONATE button below. ANY amount would be much appreciated. Thank you so much.
RT @NerySaenz: I have it on insider knowledge that I would love to be in @JamesGunn’s #SupermanLegacy. My sources confirm that I a…
RT @NerySaenz: @DCComics @Batman Does ZSJL count as a “Batman movie”? If it does, just move the rest of the list down 1. BvS Ulti…
We'd love to hear from you. Got an Old School Pick (OSP)? Send them to us. as well as your thought of the show or whatever it is, we'd love to hear What's Up from you, Bro! (see what we did there?)